Our History

Martin’s Chapel was born in a revival that took place in the community of Sharp Top on Hwy 13 in 1918. Early members of the church donated land in the community of Concord and the church was established under massive oak trees where it still resides today. We as a church celebrated our centennial in August of 2018! The message of optimistic holiness has been preached here for over 100 years and people have been finding Hope and restoration through this loving caring fellowship that we like to call family.

We are affiliated with:

Welcome to Martin’s Chapel, we hope you also can call this church home!

Our Distinctives

We are a Christian Church!

We are united with all people who proclaim the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We value our Wesleyan – Holiness heritage and believe it to be our investment into the faith community. We depend on scripture to define and guide our lives. We encourage our members to understand their spiritual gifts and to use them to build the Kingdom and reach the lost.

We are a Holiness Church!

God who is Holy, calls us to a life of Holiness. It is the Work of the Holy Spirit that restores us in the image of God and produces in us the character of Christ. Holiness in the life of the believer is most clearly understood as Christlikeness. We believe in God the Father the Creator, who calls into being what does not exist. We once were not, but God called us into being, made us for himself, and fashioned us in his own image. We have been commissioned to bear the image of God. In sanctification, God does for us and in us what we cannot do ourselves!

We are a Missional Church!

Our church is prayer conditioned. As a church we pray together! We believe the presence and power of God lives in the prayers of His people. We encourage our people to place a marble in the praise jar during public worship to celebrate definite answers to prayer. We see the move of God in each worship service as marbles fill the jar!

As people who are consecrated to God we share His love for the lost and his compassion for the broken. Our people are actively involved in serving in other restoration ministries of “New Creation” and “Celebrate Recovery”. The story of the Bible is the story of God reconciling the world to Himself through Christ (II Corinthians 5:16-21). Helping the “least of these” will always be part of our spiritual DNA! We enjoy participating in His compassion and caring for the hurting and oppressed.

While we never forget the mission field around us, we aggressively participate in World Missions through the General Church of the Nazarene. We support offerings as well as invite missionaries on deputation to visit us in worship. We are all called by Christ into the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), to love others and to lead them into a relationship with Jesus Christ!

Our Leadership

David Baker, Lead Pastor

Pastor David has been serving as our Senior Pastor since August, 2015. As our amazing and dynamic shepherd, you will find him serving the flock, community, ministering in hospitals and partnering with other Pastors and Churches in the cause of Christ. He is passionate in his love for Christ and helping others. For fun, Pastor David enjoys fishing, hunting and gardening. The outdoors has become his “Happy Place”.

Sylvia Baker, Women’s Ministry Director

Sylvia Baker is our pastor’s wife and has a heart for serving her church alongside her husband.  She directs our “Tuesday’s Girls” ministry on the second Tuesday of each month, when the women of our church and community come together for special activities and fellowship.  

Marsha Mosely,  Executive Assistant

Marsha leads with a servant’s heart and serves as our Secretary / Treasurer and leads our preschool Kinder church. She fills many positions and always displays a joyful and pleasant “can do” spirit. Her favorite moments are those spent with her eight grandchildren and great grandson Cooper.

Chance (Tater) Waggoner, Youth Director

Tater serves as our Youth Leader, Men’s Ministry Director and Worship Leader for our Contemporary Worship Sundays. His illustrative style of teaching captures the minds of our teens on Wednesday nights. As part of our Men’s Ministry, every spring you will find yourself “Fishing on the Red”, at our annual fishing trip. He and his wife Britni have three children, Luke, Malli, and Paisli. His passion is his family, the family of God and training Chocolate Lab Retrievers.

Steve Martin, Discipleship Director

Steve provides leadership to all teaching ministries of the church. He also serves as Sunday School Teacher for our Senior Adults and Worship Leader for our Traditional Worship Sundays. He is always “pumped up, fired up and motivated”. Steve and his wife Brenda have 5 children, 9 grandchildren and live in the Tyler area.

Misti Owens, Children’s Ministry Director

Misti is our gifted and talented Children’s worker. She provides oversight to all of our Children’s ministries and leads our Children’s Church on Sunday Morning. Her hard work leads a willing team to provide Children’s events all year long. She is the Assistant Principal at G. W. Bradford Primary School in Rusk, Texas. She and her husband, Andrew, raise Registered Charolais cattle with their daughters, Izzy and Sophia, being the love of their lives.

Marianne Nichols, Mission’s Director

Marianne is a gifted communicator and guides our church in its passion for missions. She keeps us informed on “World Evangelism” and how we can get involved on a local level. She recently led a “Work and Witness” team to Cactus, TX, and we continue to support this ministry. Marianne is an Obstetrics NP, married to Mark and they have three daughters, seven grandchildren and live in the Henderson Area.

Shirley McLeroy, Prime-Timer’s Director

Shirley provides leadership to our ministry with Senior Adults. Her life inside and outside our church is one of giving encouragement and fellowship with those in the “Body of Christ”. Her smile and encouraging spirit are invaluable in the life of our church. Shirley and James have 4 children, 5 grandchildren and live on Lake Striker.

Our Weekly Schedule


Intercessory Prayer:
9:00 am

Coffee, Donuts & Fellowship:
9:30 am

Discipleship for All Age Groups:
9:45 am

Morning Worship:
10:45 am

Family Worship:
6:00 pm


Tuesday’s Girls:
Second Tuesday each month (check our Facebook for more information)


Bible Study & Prayer:
6:15 pm

Youth & Children Outreach:
6:15 pm

College Bible Study & Dinner:
6:15 pm


Prime Timers Game Day:
Third Thursday each month at 2pm in the church gym